Sunday, July 12, 2009

So Big

You are getting so big these days! Sometimes I wake up and look at you and I swear that you've grown at least a foot overnight! You're acting so grown up too. Telling me all of the things you don't want to do and peeing on the potty! Last night you were playing peek a boo behind the bathroom door and I came in to find you just sitting there on the potty taking care of business. So proud!

You really love your Daddy, Aunt Ashie, and Grandma D. but your still a little uncertain of everybody else. You love to talk about Aunt Ashie's tummy and her bus and you love declaring Gramma's fun! I don't think Ashie is too thrilled about all the tummy and bus talk but I want you to be excited about your baby cousin in there. :)

You're talking up a storm and here are a few of my favorite things you like to say:

I wuv you


I hungee

Mama stink

Park, pay, swing!

wagee (water, and watermelon)


Ice cream truck?! what you say when you are hoping for some of that yummy treat!

I funny

You're quite the funny guy and not too long ago we were at the grocery store checking out and the cashier was flirting with you when you took one look at her and starting banging on your chest and making monkey sounds. She did look like a monkey so I can't say I blame you for the mistaken identity! I have a feeling I'm in for a lot of embarrassing moments in the near future! :)

Your laughter is contagious and I love getting to spend my days with you.

Love you Mouse!